Heroes and Horses Healing
HHH Vets
A 501(c)(3) Organization
HHH Vets Charity Auction
Starting April 1, 2020
Ending April 8, 2020
Welcome to Charity Auction for Heroes and Horses Healing, Inc.
To help us make a difference, please bid on auction items, give a cash donation, or simply share this auction on your social media with family and friends.
Shortly you will be able to register for the Auction online and view items that will become available for bidding on April 1, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Register early so you don't miss any event updates. Be sure to activate text messages in registration.
When you bid on an item, you will receive a text notifying you in the event you have been out bid which will give you the opportunity to increase your bid.
You do not need to have a registered PayPal account in order to bid. You can bid simply using your Credit Card.
Should you find there are no items you would like to bid on, you can make a donation. Any amount donated is greatly appreciated.
Bidding Time Period:
Starting April 1, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Ending April 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM
(Bidding will be extended 5 minutes for those bidding within the last few seconds.)
Winning Bidders:
If you are a winning bidder on an auction item, your credit card will be charged including a 3.5% processing fee and any shipping charges that may be applicable. You will receive an invoice marked "Paid" reflecting our Tax ID number for your tax deduction.
If you have any questions regarding the registration or bidding process, or if you have a question regarding any of the items available, please contact us by email at hhhveterans@gmail.com.
We thank you for participating in our Charity Auction to benefit our Veterans.